
LOCAL is a resource coloring guidebook for Dallas.

Books will start shipping December 20, 2020.

Inform yourself about the 18 nonprofits plus other organizations that exist in the city of Dallas. LOCAL comes with a collection of poems written by Dallas artists and a set of illustrations done by a group of immigrant kids. Bring LOCAL with you to color while waiting on the bus stop or holding on the phone to submit your fire hazard ticket to 311.

LOCAL is a resource coloring guidebook for Dallas.

Books will start shipping December 20, 2020.

Inform yourself about the 18 nonprofits plus other organizations that exist in the city of Dallas. LOCAL comes with a collection of poems written by Dallas artists and a set of illustrations done by a group of immigrant kids. Bring LOCAL with you to color while waiting on the bus stop or holding on the phone to submit your fire hazard ticket to 311.

LOCAL is a resource coloring guidebook for Dallas.

Books will start shipping December 20, 2020.

Inform yourself about the 18 nonprofits plus other organizations that exist in the city of Dallas. LOCAL comes with a collection of poems written by Dallas artists and a set of illustrations done by a group of immigrant kids. Bring LOCAL with you to color while waiting on the bus stop or holding on the phone to submit your fire hazard ticket to 311.

When you buy a book we gift a book to one of 10 nonprofit organizations that help refugees and immigrants of Dallas. They will redistribute the donations to immigrants and refugees. Their recipient of LOCAl will remain anonymous for their own safety.